Walking by Lamplight
When I was first studying magic, I craved a teacher.
I wanted someone to check my work, provide insight, save me time and struggle on the path. I wanted a stern and knowing hand on my shoulder; the reassuring presence of someone ordained by God to teach. Wiser than me.
With my Jupiter in the 9th house, I was sure it was only a matter of time before they appeared.
But when they did, it wasn’t some guy. It was The guy – my Holy Guardian Angel. And his message was this – the mentor is me. My hand on my own shoulder. And that Jupiter in the 9th? As the lord of my ascendant, he describes me in the chart.
The role of my 9th house Leo Jupiter is this- I provide a lamp by which you see your own inner sovereignty. That the magic is You.
This container is the result of that insight.
If you’re interested, join the mailing list to know when I open the doors.
It is the work of my heart to be there for others on the lone path of the mage. I can’t be what I was looking for (let’s be honest- I wanted someone to tell me what to do), but I can be the mentor I deserved - a trusted companion to walk alongside.
You are self-directed on the path of initiation. I am here to watch, guide, assist, suggest, support. And when neither of us know the answer, I am here to always redirect you to the truth of things – that the answer is in the silence of your own heart.
Why mentorship?
Magic is terrifying.
In the least fear-mongering way possible- practicing magic in a world that does not prepare you is a hazard. It is lonely and isolating. The way is fraught with challenges. these fears often keep us on the bench for longer than we ought to, even when we know we want to leap.
The absolute last thing I want to do is intimate that you need anything but yourself and your angel to get started as a magician. You do not. But this path is hard, and it changes our consciousness in a way that ensures we no longer align with standard models of reality. I’m here to help break that loneliness- somewhere between friend and guide.
What Can’t I Do?
I am a spirit guy, not a spirit guide.
I do not Know It All. I profoundly, deeply, do not. People who think they do are either boring, or liars (I’m not sure which one is worse). If you’re seeking someone who has all the answers, then you haven’t found them in me.
I am not a licensed mental health professional. I am not willing to be the first line of support for those in acute crisis. I am not a doctor.
I do not perform professionalism. I will be late to our meetings - but I will communicate clearly with you about it, and leave leeway for you too to be late to our meetings (within reason).
I am the friend who’s been seeking for 20 years, studying for 12, and has given All This a ton of thought and practice.
Why Hawk?
I’m in it for fun, and I take that seriously.
You’re sick of the somber tone of traditional occultists, but like the structure. You recoil from the structureless nature of the new age, but want the freedom to experiment.
You want to joke, cry, think deeply, be mind-blown, and gain foundation that will serve you for the rest of your path.
My background is Thelema – a famous occultist who shall remain nameless once called me “the most critical Thelemite of Aleister Crowley I’ve ever met.”
I like to say I stole the fire from the vault of the adepti and brought it back to my campsite for all to play with.
I am an astrologer- I’ve been learning astrology for 10 years, and seeing clients for five. I formally studied traditional natal astrology & horary with Adam Elenbaas. I’m a diviner, a tarot reader, a philosopher, living life as one big omen. My gods are Apollo. Asclepius. Horus. Hekate. These are the forces who shaped me. If you feel a call to any of these, you may be drawn to work with me. It’s my greatest pleasure to find clients who my deities have clearly brought right to me, for the mutual benefit of us both.
Out of the armchair- into the fire
I invite seekers who do not feel ready to see the ways in which they are ready, or those who have been on the bench for a long time after taking a detour on the path. Many seekers are so afraid of doing something wrong that it has kept them on the bench and out of the temple in their hearts - afraid of disrespecting the gods, afraid of exercising their will, lest someone get hurt or angry. These are incredibly normal fears when dealing with forces we have not yet begun to understand.
Having someone in the pool with us who knows how to swim gives us the confidence to swim for the deep end. It’s easier to go harder when I’m there with someone who I trust.
Why a longterm one-on-one?
Magic is relationship. One-on-one teacher-student relationships are a time-honored tradition in occult pedagogy.
The magical path is a commitment to entering into deeper intimacy with god. Because god is everything, and each seeker is different, magic is an extremely diverse and varied practice. It does not lend itself to a one-size-fits-all approach.
The Deets
Container structure is mutually-crafted, but at its simplest, we will meet several times a month, face-to-face online, for 6 months. Between sessions you’ll do Work that arises. Some of these will be group projects that require action from us both. The cost is 6k. Payment plans are available.
next step
The next cohort of Walking by Lamplight has not yet been announced. To get emails for just this program, fill in the form.
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